Research Projects in the Smyth Lab

Microbiology research

The lab is conducting research into wastewater surveillance with the San Antonio River Authority and microbial source tracking of microbial contamination in the San Antonio River and the Edwards Aquifer Alliance.

We’re also investigating airborne transmission and spread of microbes using experimental and computational modeling.

We’re looking at the prevalence of antimicrobial producing bacteria in local soils with Tiny Earth

pedagogical research

The lab is involved in several national pedagogical aimed at improving student retention and success in STEM fields. A major focus is the improvement of scientific and civic literacy through improved reading, group annotations and use of ePortfolios.

We are also focused on civically-engaged research projects that are embedded in courses throughout the curriculum and the support of microbiome research for all that wish to engage with the microbiome.


undergraduate research

The Smyth Lab is home to a slew of undergraduates all engaged in research projects some through courses and others as independent researchers or as part of teams.

sustainability research

We’ve long been focused on the reduction of single use plastic in our laboratories. This gets difficult when dealing with pathogens in biosafety labs. We’re coming up with ways to reduce our impact through alternative protocols, rethinking our methods and considering new ways of doing science altogether.